Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Help Wth Starting Organic Gardens

There are several reasons why individuals will resolve to start an organic garden. It could be that they want a another hobby and have chosen to grow their own vegetables to see how well they do. Or maybe they are tired of using pesticides and fertilizers that are made up of harmful chemicals. No matter the reason this is a fun thing to do - but it is also challenging for many people.

If you have never tried to grow and start an organic garden before this than you are going to need some help. Gardening is something that requires hours of hard work and not everyone can do it. Those who try to do things on their own will fail quickly.

The best thing that you could do is to research the process of organic gardening as much as you can. There are dozens of organic gardening books on the market that will give you an insight to what it entails and everything you need to do. But books are not going to answer all of your questions.

Visit your local nursery and seek some advice from them. The best thing you could learn from them is what grow great in the soil that you live in and which ones are the easiest to start off with. They can provide you with the best plants that are great for beginners and that will look beautiful in your garden.

With the right help and the proper instructions you can make your organic garden a success. In this garden you can grow your favorite vegetables and share them with your family.

Friday, January 23, 2009

How To Effectively Grow Organic Tomatoes

Many of us are frightened to purchase vegetables from grocery stores because of the chemicals that are sprayed all over them. These harmful chemicals are causing many problems in the world as every week something is being recalled from the store.

The fact that I have a child to take care of makes me think that I might just be better off growing my own vegetables in my backyard. This year I decided to grow organic tomatoes to see how well they would do.

Growing vegetables organically can be tricky for people who have never done it before – which is why I believe in starting off small and only growing one vegetable to start off with. Growing organic tomatoes means that you will not be using any type of pesticides or harmful chemicals on them. This means that there is less of a risk of someone eating them and getting sick off of them.

Find a spot in your yard that can be easily watered and receives enough sunlight throughout the day. Choose how large or small you want your garden to be. To get the seeds you need visit your local nursery and ask them for the best type of tomatoes that will grow in the climate you live in. Make sure that they are disease resistant hybrids.

In order for your tomatoes to grow they need the proper foods and nutrients that will keep them alive. Find the best type of organic fertilizer every other week until the plant begins to bear fruit. After the fruit starts to grow give it the organic fertilizer after each new fruit appears. You can use either a balanced organic fertilizer that is worked into the soil or a fish emulsion in water. Both types will release nutrients into the soil and feed the plants.

In order to give air circulation and provide the distance from soil pathogens you need to grow mulched tomatoes in wire cages, tall stakes, or (if you are creative) attached to a trellis. These plants can get as high as six feet and you don’t want them to topple over.

Another important ingredient that your tomatoes need is water. Make sure that you keep a close eye on them and never let them dehydrate. However, you have to be careful that you do not over water them or you will drown them.

There are certain insects that can help your plants to grow or they will try to eat them. Do what you can to encourage the good insects to let the plants grow – but remember to keep an eye out for the ones that you need to get rid of. You can use special organic dusts and sprays that will take care of slugs, worms, and other insects. Soapy water is a great way to get rid of whiteflies and aphids and Dipel will get rid of hornworms.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Unique Silk Bonsai Trees

Bonsai trees are one of the more unique plants that you can have. Many people will purchase them for decoration - but they do require much up keep. For those of you who are not able to take care of these plants can choose something with less work like silk bonsai trees.

Silk bonsai trees are hand made and artificial trees that have been made with excellent quality. They are great to have as decorations for your home or office and the best part is you don’t have to worry about watering or pruning them.

The trunks of these miniature trees are made out of maple, vine, or birch wood. The materials used for the rest of it are synthetic or Chinese silk. Some trees also use steel, Luna clay, and fiberglass. They are potted into containers that are made out of plastic, clay, or terracotta in order to give them a realistic look.

You can purchase them in a variety of styles, species, and shapes that include; maples, pines, elms, palms, plums, and golden ficus. In order to prevent the fabric from fading it is best to place it in medium light.

Not only are these trees perfect for decorations - but they also make great gifts. The price of them can depend on the materials used to make the trees and how high the quality used to make them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How To Prune A Bonsai Tree

Growing a bonsai tree is only one step to successfully allowing it to grow to its proper miniature size. One of the most important things that you need to do for it is to know correctly how to prune it. When you do not prune it correctly it will grow out of control or it will die early.

The first thing you will need to do when pruning a bonsai tree is to make sure that you are pruning it during the right season. It is true that there are certain types of trees that can be pruned throughout the whole year - but the majority of them can only be during a certain time. The best way to know when to prune them is to contact your local nursery. The rules that apply to the full size tree will also apply to the bonsai tree.

When pruning it severely you need to give your tree time to recover from this. In order to do this you need to give it the right kind of care. When you care for it the right way and prune it when needed then it will grow into a healthy tree and will live for many years. Those who do it correctly have been able to pass the trees on from generation to generation.

During pruning you will focus mainly on the trunk of the tree. This will help add to the illusion of the mature size and age of the tree. Make sure that you leave extra branches on the weak areas of the trunk. This will help to promote growth in that area and make it stronger. Any branches that are causing problems should be removed. Problem branches are ones that cross each other or grow back sharply in the direction of the trunk.

Another thing to remember when you prune the tree is that what you do above the ground will affect what happens to the tree below the ground. If you prune the branches and leaves heavily without cutting back the root system then the next season the tree will have an unusual burst of growth to try to fix the imbalance. When it comes to bonsai trees you want the root system to be ahead of the foliage and branches. But no more than 30%.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How To Grow Tomatoes

I learned early on in my life that sometimes it is better to grow our favorite fruits and vegetable ourselves. Sometimes we cannot trust what we find in stores and when it comes to what we put in our mouths we want to make sure that we have the best. Tomatoes are one of my favorite fruits and are easy to grow.

1. As with growing anything the first thing you have to do is to purchase the tomato plants at a nursery. Wait to buy them till after you know there will be no more frosts. Or you can always start to plant the seeds indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost is expected.

2. When planting make sure that you choose a plot that receives plenty of sunshine throughout the day. The soil should have a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. If it is windy then try to protect them from the wind by planting them near a tree.

3. Combine lots of compost into the soil to make sure that it is full of the nutrients that will help your tomatoes to grow. Organic matter is one of the best things that will help your garden grow.

4. Harden off your seedlings and move them into your garden during the night hours when the temperature is above 50 degrees.

5. Each hole that you dig for the plants should be the size of a basketball. When you put the dirt back add some more compost and even some crushed eggshells to give them added calcium.

6. Make sure that you separate the plants 12 to 18 inches apart. Plant them deeply into the ground to help proper root development.

7. In order to keep cutworms away from your plants place a paper collar around each of their stems and cover them with cloches. The cloches will help protect against cold weather and other insects.

8. When the weather is warming up remove the cloches and mulch the soil. Tomato plants will grow tall so make sure that you provide them with the support they need to stay upright.

9. Every week you need to give them two inches of water and spray them with compost tea four times. Make sure to prune any plants (like weeds or poison ivy) that try to outgrow them.

10. You will be able to finally pick your first tomato when it is glossy and the texture is somewhere between soft and firm.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Starting An Organic Garden

There are several different types of gardens that one can tend to. Anyone has the ability to garden as long as they know what they are doing and have the patience it takes to tend to one. Many amateur gardeners wonder what organic gardening is. The fact that it is organic automatically leads us to believe that it is better for the plants. After all organic foods are better for us are they not?

This would be true. Organic gardens do not use synthetic pesticides or fertilizers on their plants. But that is only the half of it. The best way to tend to an organic garden is to look at it like a whole system. The plants start in the soil and with that they need water, people, and the wildlife around them to help them to grow. This means that organic gardeners must use the natural resources around them and to replenish these resources when they are running out.

You need to start the garden by first attending to the soil. You will need to regularly add organic matter to the soil using as much natural resources as you can. Everyone can get their hands on raw organic matter thanks to the foods that you cook and your lawn. Examples of organic material are fall leaves, grass clippings, and vegetable scraps. These make for great compost and are perfect for your organic garden.

Another way to make sure that your organic garden will grow properly is by choosing the best plants that are suited for this. Plants have the ability to adapt to the climate that they are put in and the conditions that they face. Keep in mind though that some plants have a harder time adapting and their natural defenses will be lowered. This means that you will need to work extra hard to bring them back up.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How To Find The Right Bonsai Tree

Bonsai is the act of miniaturizing a tree by growing them in containers. In order to grow a bonsai tree you need to learn how to properly water, shape, and repot the trees in the variety of styled containers. The art of growing a bonsai began in China during the Han Dynasty.

Finding the right bonsai tree is fairly simple. The first place you want to look is in your local area. You may find that some places will have the right type of bonsai tree that they know can be grown in your area and is already climate-ready. Because it is a tree you first need to ask permission before planting it if you do not own your own home.

The best places to start looking for a tree is at the nearest nurseries and garden centers. You will be surprised at some places that carry the amongst other exotic plants. If they don’t have any then you should try landscaping companies next.

Try to contact more then one of these places in your area. Sometimes they will remove shrubs and trees from a job site to replace them with others. When this happens you may find exactly what you need and be able to pick up the removed trees for only a small fee or maybe even for free.

If that resource doesn’t help then it is time to turn to the Internet. It has anything you will ever need so it should be no problem to find someone who can sell you a bonsai tree. All you need to do is pick the one you want and pay for it. It should only take a few days for it to arrive on your doorstep.